Note the initial value of timer T4:1's accumulator and preset in the spaces below. Right click on the Timer instruction, and select "GoTo DataTable" from the drop-down menu. Ensure that Switch I:1/0 is Open, and then place the PLC into the Run mode.

This value represents a 10 second timing interval (10x0.1) as the time base is fixed at 0.1 seconds: Once you have your program entered, and have ensured that it is correct, download it to the PLC. Confirm that you have entered the number 100 as the timer's preset value.

Now enter the following program being careful to enter the addresses exactly as shown. Clear out any existing program by selecting the "New" entry in the File menu, and then select the "Clear Data Table" entry in the Simulations menu. (Timer ON Delay) From the LogixPro Simulations Menu, select the I/O Simulation. 1 LogixPro Introduction to RSLogix Timers The TON Timer.